Can malnutrition in children cause hearing impairment?

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  • Views:73
  • Source:Brands Hearing Aids
If hearing impairment occurs during infancy, it will deprive the baby of the opportunity to receive more language stimulation, which will be very detrimental to the baby's future growth and development, and may also affect future social skills. Therefore, mothers should promptly discover the hearing problems of their babies. disorders and treatment is necessary.

Can malnutrition in children cause hearing impairment?

Inadequate nutrition in children can lead to hearing impairment. Children who were underweight or malnourished in childhood have twice the risk of hearing loss as the control group. Being too thin is also a manifestation of nutritional deficiencies, and is caused by short-term, severe nutritional deficiencies. This acute nutritional deficiency puts children at greater risk of infection, and recurrent infections of the ear canal can lead to hearing loss.

People whose growth was suppressed in childhood were twice as likely to develop hearing loss as adults than controls. In this regard, researchers speculate that inner ear dysplasia may be caused by malnutrition. Perhaps malnutrition during embryonic life increases a child's risk of hearing loss as an adult.

In addition, children who were underweight as children were twice as likely to develop hearing loss as controls. Being too thin is also a manifestation of nutritional deficiencies, and is caused by short-term, severe nutritional deficiencies. This acute nutritional deficiency puts children at greater risk of infection, and recurrent infections of the ear canal can lead to hearing loss.

In response to this result, the author believes that attention should be paid to improving children's nutritional levels, or providing nutritional supplements including vitamin A, to reduce the risk of hearing impairment in children as adults.

What are the causes of hearing impairment in children?
1. Congenital causes:

Children are born with it, mostly due to genetic factors, or the mother is infected by rubella, measles, herpes and other viruses during pregnancy, or uses aminoglycosides Antibiotics (streptomycin, gentamicin, kanamycin, etc.) or the mother's alcoholism and drug abuse during pregnancy can damage the fetus's inner ear and auditory nerve. In addition, between the fourth and twenty-eighth weeks of pregnancy, The fetal nervous system is developing. Sudden noise or improper use of prenatal music (more than 60 decibels) can affect the development of the fetal auditory nerve.

2. Acquired causes:
1: Hearing loss caused by otitis media. Otitis media is a common cause of conductive hearing loss in children.
1) Secretory otitis media: Because there is no discharge of pus, no fever, noEarache is one of the common causes of hearing loss in children. Children do not seek medical treatment until their academic performance declines and their personality changes, and they lose the opportunity for surgery and treatment.
2) Suppurative otitis media: Suppurative otitis media is very common, especially in children. Acute suppurative otitis media is very painful and must be treated as soon as possible. If not treated in time, the tympanic membrane may perforate and evolve into chronic suppurative otitis media. Chronic suppurative otitis media can lead to irreversible conductive hearing loss, and suppurative otitis media is a common cause of conductive hearing loss in children.

2: Hearing loss caused by infectious diseases: meningococcal meningitis and mumps. If systemic treatment is not obtained after the onset of the disease, sensorineural hearing loss may remain.

3: Hearing loss caused by the use of ototoxic drugs: Common ototoxic drugs include gentamicin, salicylic acid analgesics, diuretics, anti-cancer drugs, etc. Common ototoxic drugs Deafening chemicals such as aluminum, phosphorus, arsenic, benzene, etc.

Four: Hearing loss caused by autoimmune problems: Asymmetric progressive sensorineural hearing loss that occurs mostly in adolescents and occurs simultaneously or successively on both sides.

5: Hearing loss caused by noise: Babies who are stimulated by noise for a long time can develop progressive hearing loss.