If a child has coughed for 2 weeks, will he get otitis media?

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  • Source:Brands Hearing Aids
Every organ in a child’s body is very fragile and can easily cause organ problems due to a number of factors. In children, otitis media is a common disease.

If a child has coughed for 2 weeks, will he get otitis media?
Not necessarily, because some children can also suffer from otitis media after catching a cold, which often occurs in children one week after catching a cold. Because some children are too young to describe their condition clearly, otitis media after a cold is often ignored by parents, leading to the development of chronic otitis media.
Due to growth and development, the Eustachian tube in children is short and straight. When a cold occurs, inflammation can easily spread to the short and straight Eustachian tube and the middle ear. On the other hand, when children have a cold, the respiratory mucosa is congested and edematous, causing the openings of the Eustachian tube and nasolacrimal duct to be blocked.

After the Eustachian tube is blocked, air cannot enter the middle ear, and the air in the middle ear is continuously absorbed by the mucosa, causing an imbalance in the air pressure inside and outside the tympanic membrane, causing ear fullness and even otitis media. Therefore, more than 80% of the young patients with otitis media who visit the outpatient otolaryngology department are caused by colds.

It is recommended that when children catch a cold, they should also see an otolaryngologist to check their ears. In case otitis media is not effectively treated in the early stage and develops into chronic otitis media, it will not only affect the treatment effect, such as developing into suppurative or exudative otitis media, but also seriously affect the child's hearing.

Why do children get otitis media?
1. Respiratory and nasopharyngeal diseases. Such as colds, rhinitis, pharyngitis, etc. The middle ear is connected to the nose and pharyngeal tube. When there are a large number of bacteria in the nasopharynx, these pathogens can easily enter the ears. Therefore, when your baby has a cold, pay special attention to whether there are any abnormalities in his ears.

2. Swimming. When swimming, water will enter the ear from the external auditory canal, but if there is no hole in the eardrum, water will not enter the middle ear from the outer ear. However, if there are many people in the swimming pool and the cleaning and hygiene are not in place, bacteria or disinfectants in the water will enter the child's body through the nose and mouth, causing colds and otitis media. If swimming ears get wet, remember to dip a cotton swab in a little ear canal cleaning solution and gently wipe around the ear canal to effectively kill the bacteria in the ear canal and prevent otitis media caused by bacterial infection!

3. Lie down Drink milk. A research report from the United States stated that if a baby lies flat to drink water or milk, the water or milk will flow into the nasopharynx, which may cause otitis media. Therefore, when the baby drinks milk or other drinks, he should raise his head and wipe away the flowing water or milk at any time.

4. Fatigue. Lack of sleep or excessive physical exertion are the main causes of reduced immunity. A regular life, a balanced diet and moderate exercise are very important to maintain health. Therefore, do not let your child play too tired, and be sure to let him get adequate rest. In addition, use ear canal cleaning fluid to strengthen ear care, protect your child's hearing, and effectively prevent the occurrence of various ear diseases.

5. Smoking. European research reports show that smoking at home can easily induce otitis media. Even if you drive the smoker to smoke on the balcony, his hair and clothes will be stained with harmful substances from cigarettes. When he picks up the baby again, these harmful substances will be adsorbed on the baby's nasopharyngeal mucosa, easily causing inflammation.
6. Collective life. In kindergarten, children's chances of being exposed to cold germs or viruses are greatly increased, thereby increasing the possibility of suffering from otitis media. Parents must take good care of their children at ordinary times to prevent otitis media and colds as a prerequisite.
7. Go out. It is easy to catch cold viruses in closed public transportation such as trains or airplanes, or in public places with poor ventilation and dense crowds, and it is also easy for babies to suffer from otitis media. Therefore, when taking your children out, try to avoid crowded places as much as possible.

Children are prone to various types of otitis media. Since children are difficult to describe symptoms such as earache, ear tightness or hearing loss, they are often missed or misdiagnosed clinically, and their family members are also easy to ignore and easily turn to comparison. It is difficult to treat chronic otitis media, so we should pay attention to the understanding and popularization of otitis media in children. For children, it is necessary to pay attention to whether there are earache or pus when they have a cold. On weekdays, you need to pay attention to children's hearing performance and whether the sound of watching TV is too loud.