Is it Parkinson's disease that causes the elderly's ears to become unresponsive?

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  • Source:Brands Hearing Aids
Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease are both diseases that the elderly are prone to suffer from, but compared to Alzheimer's disease, far fewer people are aware of Parkinson's disease. This is a common degenerative disease of the nervous system that will seriously affect the elderly. Human life and physical health. Therefore, it is necessary to recognize the symptoms of Parkinson’s in time and treat them when the problem is discovered.

Is it Parkinson’s disease that causes the elderly’s ears to become unresponsive?

Parkinson’s disease is a serious disease and is very dangerous for middle-aged and elderly people. In the early stages, the symptoms may not be too obvious, but in the late stages, patients will completely lose their ability to live on their own.

Will deafness in the elderly cause Parkinson’s disease?
Presbycusis does not directly cause Alzheimer's disease, but it is also one of the main causes of Alzheimer's disease. Because of deafness, the elderly lack communication with the outside world. In a silent world, their reactions become slower and slower. It is recommended that Early detection and early intervention.
Deafness in the elderly will make the elderly have worse tempers and become irritable. Bad mood will cause many diseases. It is recommended that you let the elderly wear hearing aids as soon as possible to improve the quality of the elderly's hearing.

What are the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease?

1. Drooling
In the early stages of Parkinson’s disease, patients will have obvious drooling symptoms. Even if the symptoms are severe, they may even need to be wiped with a handkerchief at any time. In this case, it can be treated The patient's saliva is examined. Generally speaking, the patient's saliva does not secrete abnormally. This is caused by the dysphagia reflex. Therefore, in the early stages, if a patient finds that he or she is drooling and has difficulty swallowing, and is unable to swallow saliva on his own, Parkinson's disease needs to be considered.

2. Special posture

Special posture has a certain relationship with the patient’s muscles and tension. In the early stages, the performance of the special posture will be more obvious, and some patients will The head tilts forward or the trunk is slightly bent, which will worsen as the disease progresses. However, if there is a special posture in the early stage, the patient's body will feel obvious discomfort. At this time, you can consider going to the hospital for examination.

3. Sluggishness of movement

Parkinson’s disease is a serious neurological disease, so it will also have a certain impact on the patient’s activity function. The most obvious manifestation in the early stage isSlow action. Due to the influence of special postures and muscle changes, patients will have obvious obstacles when performing sports or relatively fine work, and they will be much slower than normal.

4. Swelling of lower limbs
Patients with Parkinson’s disease often experience swelling of the lower limbs, usually in the feet and sometimes spread to the calves. This is a precursor to mobility impairment in Parkinson's patients. At this time, it is necessary to judge the patient's condition based on the degree of swelling and the location of the swelling.

5. Constipation
Constipation is also a common symptom of Parkinson’s patients, but it is usually a late-stage complication of Parkinson’s disease. This complication is more serious, and some patients may even be unable to function normally. Defecation requires corresponding medication in the hospital to help defecation. When using drugs, it is also necessary to increase the fiber and water in food to help defecation.

6. Pain symptoms
Parkinson’s disease often has pain symptoms in the late stage. This kind of pain is physiological pain, which is generally difficult to relieve with painkillers. Most of the time, it includes Pain in shoulders, head and lower back. This is because in the late stages of Parkinson's disease, the patient's muscles gradually become stiff, the muscles are not mobile enough, and they begin to atrophy, which can easily cause pain symptoms.

7. Speech disorder

Speech disorder is a typical symptom of Parkinson’s patients. In the later stages, speech disorder will become unclear and unable to speak. This is because the patient's neurological function is damaged, which will affect the operation of local nerves and muscles when speaking. Moreover, when speaking, it can be found that there is no special intonation and the rhythm of the words is ordinary.