Under what circumstances does deafness usually worsen?

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  • Source:Brands Hearing Aids
Normal hearing is necessary for our daily communication, life and work. The hearing organ, like other parts of the human body, is affected by various harmful factors.

Under what circumstances does deafness usually get worse?
Deafness may get worse. High pressure from work and life, staying up late to get angry, not getting enough rest, excessive intake of sodium, high fat, and high cholesterol, long-term eating of irritating foods, and living in a noisy environment can all aggravate tinnitus.

1. Noise: Noise is an important factor that directly causes hearing loss and is also an important cause of deafness. If you work or live in a high-decibel noise environment for a long time, auditory cells will gradually be damaged. If things go on like this, tinnitus and hearing loss will occur.

2. Trauma: In people’s daily life, there are some external injuries everywhere, which may be caused by car accidents, direct injuries, severe vibrations, etc. Damage to tissues and organs in the ear

3. Decreased immunity of the body, endocrine disorders, local blood vessel congestion, etc. may cause local hypoxia and ischemia. If it occurs in the ear, it will affect the ear. tissue function, affecting hearing.

4. Drugs: Ototoxic drugs are an important factor causing deafness. Medical research shows that common drugs that can cause deafness include aminoglycoside antibiotics and some anti-tumor drugs. , diuretics, anti-inflammatory analgesics, etc.

5. Emotions. When a person is emotionally excited, adrenaline secretion increases, causing the small arteries of the inner ear to spasm. The blood flow in the small blood vessels slows down, causing blood flow disorders. Insufficient oxygen supply to the inner ear can easily lead to sudden deafness.

6. Pick out your ears casually. The skin of the external auditory canal is relatively delicate and is closely connected to the perichondrium. It has less subcutaneous tissue and poor blood circulation. Improper use of force when picking out the ears can easily cause damage and infection of the external auditory canal, leading to swelling and inflammation of the external auditory canal. It may also injure the tympanic membrane, causing perforation of the tympanic membrane, leading to hearing loss.

7. Unhealthy diet. Eating more foods rich in zinc, iron, and calcium can effectively expand capillaries, thereby promoting blood supply to the inner ear and preventing hearing loss.

8. Senile diseases. Actively treat hypertension, hyperlipidemia, cerebral arteriosclerosis and diabetes. Elderly people suffering from these diseases, especially those with arteriosclerosis, are prone to obstruction of blood supply in the inner ear, leading to sudden deafness.

Protect residual hearing and avoid worsening of deafness

Wear suitable hearing aids. Many people feel that their hearing will get worse after wearing hearing aids, just like wearing glasses with increasing prescription.Just as vision is getting worse and worse, this is an inevitable result of the degradation of visual function, and the same is true for hearing. If hearing aids are needed but not used, it will only aggravate hearing difficulties and aggravate the hearing degradation process. To be precise, after accurate fitting and using hearing aids that are suitable and of qualified quality, not only will it not lead to worsening hearing and aggravate the degree of deafness, but it will help alleviate the process of deafness.

As the saying goes: 'Word of mouth' Deafness is not only a hearing impairment, but more importantly a communication disorder, the inability to understand other people's sentences normally. Therefore, Deafness often manifests itself in communication. I hope that elderly people with hearing impairment will never give up their ears and make our lives more exciting!

Generally speaking, hearing loss is a relatively common clinical manifestation, and there are many causes of hearing loss. After hearing loss occurs, you need to go to an otolaryngology department as soon as possible to have an audiological test and an otoscopy to evaluate the cause and degree of hearing loss.